Hello! I have another outfit post for you today, with another new/old addition to my wardrobe.
These rather wonderful vintage shorts! I love these, and I feel like they perfectly match my aesthetic at the moment. I realise that's a really pretentious ~fashun~ thing to say, but I love the pastel block illustration and I feel like it really fits with my personal reclaiming and championing of femininity through clothing. I'm also trying to break out of my own cycle of clothes buying at the moment too, by choosing things that are slightly different to what I'm wearing right now. I feel like for the past few months, maybe even this whole year, I have been quite restrictive in the way I choose clothes, not buying anything that doesn't fit with how I want to present myself. Not that I've actually bought much! I do want to change this a bit more though, by just relaxing a bit more and being more creative with colour and silhouette. It might not be a change noticeable to anyone but me, but I think that's fine. The way we perceive and think of ourselves will always be different to the way others view us, literally here in the case of how I dress myself. These shorts seem like a nice bridge between the pastel-obsessed me and the still pastel-obsessed, but slightly more relaxed me. The shape is not something I have really worn before, but I like them and I think they look really lovely with this blouse.
The print in close up. It's a repeated pattern of three swimmers in slightly different styles of pink, blue and turquoise swimsuits and pink and turquoise swimming caps. I just love the print, and I've never seen anything like it before. The shorts feel pretty modern, so I don't think they're any earlier than the 80s, but I still feel like they are an homage to those 1940s and 1950s postcard swimsuit babes.

(all images via Google)
I bought these shorts for an amazingly cheap £6.50 in a beautiful vintage warehouse me and my friends from Sheffield found. We went there for a photo shoot for a very exciting magazine my friend is setting up. Each issue is going to have a theme, and the first is feminism, so basically my ideal theme! The photo shoot (starring me!) was a twist on the idea of the vintage housewife being a thing of the past; me in a vintage kitchen with smeared lipstick, holding a potato masher and growling menacingly. I haven't seen the pictures yet, but Sam is very talented so I am looking forward to it!
Shorts - vintage, blouse - vintage/DIY, cardigan - Tesco, shoes - H&M, socks - Topshop.
Also, I am so excited about these shoes! I was browsing in H&M the other week and saw them in the sale, the only pair left and in my size! An absolute stroke of luck considering I've been looking for a pair like this for a while.
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Also, I thought it was about time I made an email for the blog! So if you wish to contact me (and I am quite friendly, I promise!), the address is charlotte.kook@gmail.com.